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Spring Parking Lot Restoration: Recovering After A Long Winter

Parking lot in Emmen, The Netherlands

The bitter cold temperatures of winter can definitely do a number on an asphalt parking lot. Cracks spread easier, painted lines fade, and the overall stark black color, turns an ugly gray. If you’re up to your neck in dealing with other spring cleaning property issues, it’s easy to understand why giving your parking lot a “clean slate,” might not be something you’re jumping at the chance to have done. Nevertheless, in order to extend it’s lifespan, a parking lot restoration is highly recommended.

The walk-through

The first thing you ought to do before you have the actual paving done, is to do a simple walk-through of the parking lot. Generally, you may notice that your parking lot may need some repairs, but take the time to cracking patterns, spalling etc. Take a few notes, so you can explain some of the problems to the paving contractors before they come by. Your local commercial paving contractors will do there own walk-through of course, but it’s always good to give them a heads up on what they’re going to be dealing with.

Calling the paving contractor

Your paving contractors won’t only find a way to deal with the “here-and-now” problems of your asphalt parking lot, they will create a long-term plan of attack, so that your parking will continue to be in good shape for years to come. Many paving companies will work with you to create a maintenance program, prioritizing what needs to be addressed right now, versus a few months down the line.

Starting the parking lot restoration


With a long-term plan in place, the current repairs are ready to commence. One of the most common jobs in a parking lot restoration is a “cut-and-patch.” This techique helps target specific problem areas, like a pothole, for instance. The paving contractors jackhammer the damaged areas, before putting in new processed stone, and covering it with a thick layer of asphalt.


Although many people think that overlaying is a quick, effective fix to asphalt deterioration, it can sometimes be a big waste of money. If your parking lot is generally in good shape, then, overlaying might be a good solution for getting it in better shape, but if the pavement is already faced with serious problems, overlaying can actually create reflexive cracking – making things worse. If you’re looking for a temporary fix, and an aesthetic make-over for the time being, a simple “overlay,” might be appropriate.


Seal-coating basically reduces the ultraviolet effects on pavement. Seal coating prevents the pavement from turning gray, and it also helps it maintain its oils and elasticity. The procedures is usually done for preventative maintenance, and when the parking lot is around a year old. Each seal coating procedure should be designed specifically for the parking lot. It’s definitely not a one-size-fits-all type of procedure.

Crack Filling

Crack filling is another very common type of parking lot repair. This type of procedure is done to  prevent water from entering into the cracks, and penetrating into the subgrade of your pavement, which will cause further damage. If you have a pavement that is in decent condition but you have a few visible cracks, filling those cracks to prevent water infiltration is key to extending its lifespan.

Taking care of problems before they’re problems

Overall, just an annual pavement maintenance is the secret to a healthy and long lasting parking lot. If you have any questions about this, your local commercial paving contractors would certainly be able to help you.

If you are in need of a parking lot rehabilitation, don’t hesitate to contact Dykes Paving, your number one commercial paving contractors in Atlanta.